
Angelyne Moves From Billboard to the Ballot


Word that billboard icon Angelyne was running for office in the proposed city of Hollywood caused a flurry of jokes Friday, most of them about her figure rather than her grasp of figures.

Gene La Pietra, president of the Hollywood Independence Committee and a city council candidate, was among those who offered a few quips about her “assets.”

“I’m looking forward to meeting her,” he said--after running out of comic material.

Angelyne, the age-concealing actress who has appeared in the film “Earth Girls Are Easy” and a Moby music video, filed her candidacy papers Friday, along with 19 other council contenders. The documents included a statement that said she has no reportable assets, despite those billboards of her that began popping up in the 1980s.


In an interview, she insisted she is serious about making Hollywood better. “I’m Angelyne. I’m the image of Hollywood. I want Hollywood to rise to my occasion,” she said.

She said she had no trouble getting the 20 signatures needed to qualify for the Nov. 5 secession ballot. She stepped onto the sidewalk with her petition and was surrounded by fans eager to sign.

“I’ve never really thought about politics,” she said. “I had an overwhelming request from all sorts of committees and people to run.”


Asked whether Hollywood could use a makeover, the platinum-blond candidate said, “My answer to that is, ‘Duh.’ ”
