8 great beers: Pilsner, pale ale, porter and more
As an unfiltered brew, it pours hazy honey amber, with a moderate head. Serve with anything that would appreciate a dash of citrus, such as fried fish, Thai food or fruit salad. Price: $2 per 12-ounce bottle, $4 per 22-ounce bottle or $9 to $10 per six-pack MORE: Hangar 24 Orange Wheat (Bob Chamberlin / Los Angeles Times)
We’ve rounded up eight great beers, along with some recommended food pairings, from the L.A. Times’ Beer of the Month column by Charles Perry. If you’re looking to buy, call ahead to make sure these specialty brews are in stock.
Clean and easy to drink, but with more lager flavor to the mouthful than in mass-market beer. As a food beer, it’s not fussy, but it goes particularly well with roast chicken and grilled sausages. Price: $8 to $10 per six-pack MORE: Mama’s Little Yella Pils (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times)
Sometimes you just have to step up to a big, strapping IPA. This one is positively steely with hops, boasting 104 International Bittering Units, nearly twice as much as in the average West Coast IPA. It’s also high in malt and alcohol (9.4% by volume). Price: $6 for a 22-ounce bottle MORE: Green Flash Brewing Imperial Pale Ale
(Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)

A rich, dark and faintly sinister Belgian-style ale. The alcohol level is 10.5%. A big dark ale like this can stand up to just about anything, including pork barbecue, macaroni and cheese, maybe apple pie. Price: $3 to $3.50 per 12-ounce bottle, or $9 to $11 per 750-milliliter bottle MORE: Boulevard Brewing Sixth Glass Quadrupel
(Lawrence K. Ho / Los Angeles Times)

It pours medium amber with a yellowish head. The nose is fruity and malty with a faint coriander note and scarcely any detectable hops. The sharpness means it would go well with fried fish or white meats in cream sauce.Price: $6 for a 22-ounce bottle MORE: Samuel Adams Brewing Verloren (Glenn Koenig / Los Angeles Times)

This is an easy-drinking beer for thirsty, hot days. It pours medium gold with a moderately high head. The nose is yeasty and malty with a little piney hop aroma and a hint of spice in the middle.Price: $3 per 24-ounce can and $6 to $9 per six-pack of 12-ounce cans MORE: TailGate Beer Blacktop Blonde (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)