It’s been one year since Trump won the 2016 election.
How are voters feeling?
Emotions were running high the night of Nov. 8, 2016. Donald Trump’s victory stunned the nation. For many, “Make America great again” — the mantra that guided his campaign — was about to become reality. For others, the dream of the first female U.S. president came to a halt at the glass ceiling.
The Los Angeles Times posed a simple question that night: How do you feel?
As the country divided itself between celebration and protest, thousands responded with feelings of elation, anger and indifference.
Now, a year later, we returned to those people with a similar question: How do you feel now? Would you vote the same way?
We heard from 115 who voted for Trump, 243 who voted for Hillary Clinton, and 18 who voted for a third party or write-in candidate. Here’s what they had to say.
How are Trump voters feeling?
The vast majority say they would vote for him again if given the chance. They’re happy with the job the president is doing, and don’t blame him for slow progress in getting his agenda passed. Here are some of the most common themes:
Happy, hopeful and relieved
The majority are happy with Trump’s leadership, and feeling optimistic.
How do you feel now that Donald Trump has won?
One year after the election, how does Trump's presidency make you feel?
2016: How do you feel now that Donald Trump has won?
"I feel great. I want to [go] out with an American flag. I want to say, Merry Christmas! I don't feel pressured to be someone else. I can be me."
2017: One year after the election, how does Trump's presidency make you feel?
"I feel very confident that he is the best president for our time even more now than a year ago."
Maria Dasmontanhas Rodrigues Defreitas, Gainesville, Fla.
2016: How do you feel now that Donald Trump has won?
"Great. I've been a supporter of his since the first Republican debate. I knew he could win. I hope he can make this country better."
2017: One year after the election, how does Trump's presidency make you feel?
"Great. I think he has tried to do the things he said he would do. He hasn't always been successful, but then he was elected precisely because he wasn't an over-polished politician."
Michael F. Nelson, Statesboro, Ga.
2016: How do you feel now that Donald Trump has won?
"I feel absolutely great. I'm so glad she didn't win and he did."
2017: One year after the election, how does Trump's presidency make you feel?
"I'm not too keen on some of the things he says and tweets but I'm still real glad he's president and not her."
Rusty, Plymouth, Mass.
Upset with the establishment — not with Trump
These voters are unsatisfied with Trump’s scant policy accomplishments, but believe the GOP-controlled Congress isn’t doing enough to push his agenda. In 2016, we asked what they wanted Trump to do for America. In 2017, we asked whether they were satisfied.
What do you want Donald Trump to do for America?
2017: Are you satisfied with what President Trump is doing for America?
2016: What do you want Donald Trump to do for America?
"Keep his promises."
2017: Are you satisfied with what President Trump is doing for America?
"Mostly. What has disappointed me is the two-faced Republican Congress. I will not be voting to reelect my congresswoman this cycle, and have contributed to her Republican opponent."
Victor Cole, Manassas, Va.
2016: What do you want Donald Trump to do for America?
"Fix the errors of the last 12 years."
2017: Are you satisfied with what President Trump is doing for America?
"Yes. My mom always said if you take from the cookie jar, be sure to put it back, that way it's there the next time you need it. All the swamp politicians don’t get this. They've emptied 20 extra jars."
Nicholas Minford, Bloomer, Wisc.
2016: What do you want Donald Trump to do for America?
"Clean out Washington as much as possible."
Are you satisfied with what President Trump is doing for America?
"If Trump would be left alone to do the job he was elected to do, I'd be happier."
Paul, Tampa, Fla.
Frustrated with the media
Anger with the mainstream media was a prevailing theme. Many Trump voters express satisfaction with how Trump has handled himself with the media, but see the press as an obstacle to the president accomplishing his agenda.
How do you feel now that Donald Trump has won?
One year after the election, how does Trump's presidency make you feel?
2016: How do you feel now that Donald Trump has won?
"I'm so happy and proud of our country. America has rejected the policies of the liberal agenda and we choose populism over globalism. It's a beautiful thing."
2017: One year after the election, how does Trump's presidency make you feel?
"I feel very positive about the president. The transparently biased media coverage is relentless, however, it is easy to see through the constant barrage for what it is. I’m so very thankful that President Trump does not cower like most would facing such negativity."
David Maring, Newport Beach, Calif.
2016: How do you feel now that Donald Trump has won?
"Awesome sauce! It's about time! I'm so sick of politicians and their rhetoric! They are so far removed from the average U.S. citizen — they have no idea how to live by the rules they enact!"
2017: One year after the election, how does Trump's presidency make you feel?
"Elated! However, I find the news media on the whole is making me sick! They are constantly finding fault with every little thing he does.... Is Donald Trump perfect? No! But then again, no other president was perfect either."
Lynne Foster, Farmersville, Ill.
2016: How do you feel now that Donald Trump has won?
2017: One year after the election, how does Trump's presidency make you feel?
"I approve of the president's ideas and goals. I really approve of his judge appointments, including the Supreme Court appointment. I approve of his executive actions. I am furious with the lack of cooperation of his party (i.e. the elite) in achieving those goals. I am extremely disappointed with the lack of objectivity of the media."
Bob, Mechanicsburg, Penn.
Disappointed with Trump
Few who voted for Trump express dissatisfaction with the president. Of those who said they voted for Trump in 2016, just three, when asked whether they would make the same decision today, said no.
Whom did you vote for?
Would you still make the same decision today?
2016: Whom did you vote for?
"Donald Trump. Because overturning Obamacare is on his agenda."
2017: Would you still make the same decision today?
"No! Donald Trump has proven that he knows nothing about the rest of world. He is a narcissist, misogynist, arrogant, blatant liar, bigot and cannot tolerate criticism of any kind. He does not understand that some things need diplomacy."
Pradeepta Chowdhury, Hilo, Hawaii
2016: Whom did you vote for?
2017: Would you still make the same decision today?
"No I would not. The man thinks he is in a reality television show. His mouth should be shaped like a foot, because his is always there."
William Nevin, Crestline, Calif.
2016: Whom did you vote for?
"I voted for Trump, despite all of my disgust at the man's character. I figured that Congress would be able to manage most of his worst excesses. The positive reason is that I am a strict constructionist in regards to the Constitution, and Trump lines up far closer to that than does Secretary Clinton."
2017: Would you still make the same decision today?
"I'm not sure, but I perhaps would not. If I did vote for him it [would] with be with extreme reluctance."
Michael Burkley, Lake Luzerne, N.Y.
How are Clinton voters feeling?
Most remain upset and angry. Some describe themselves as "desensitized" or "numb" to Trump’s presidency. No one in this group is happy.
Scared, upset and embarrassed
This was the most common theme. Clinton voters express deep anger and dissatisfaction with Trump — and with those who voted for him. Many are worried about Trump's agenda, specifically a rollback in environmental regulations or fear of losing healthcare. Here’s how they described their feelings, then and now.
How do you feel now that Donald Trump has won?
One year after the election, how does Trump’s presidency make you feel?
2016: How do you feel now that Donald Trump has won?
"Disheartened, as well as questioning what I thought I knew about my country."
2017: One year after the election, how does Trump’s presidency make you feel?
"Ashamed of U.S politics. Shocked in the administration's pettiness. Unbelieving in U.S power and integrity."
Liam Polinksi, State College, Pennsylvania
2016: How do you feel now that Donald Trump has won?
"I'm terrified and sad. My children are biracial, and I worry about how they will fare in a country headed by a racist leader. I also worry about myself, because Trump is an ignorant man. I have filed for disability and am waiting for a hearing. My plan is to devote myself to recovery once I get disability, but now that Trump is going to be president, I doubt things will work out that way."
2017: One year after the election, how does Trump’s presidency make you feel?
"Sad, frightened, hopeless. Disgusted at those who let him do and say things to American people without putting their foot down."
Kristan Hall, Killeen, Texas
2016: How do you feel now that Donald Trump has won?
"Stunned the country would go for a man who clearly has no sense of right or wrong, campaigned on conspiracy theories, exploited racial divisions and can't speak in complete sentences."
2017: One year after the election, how does Trump’s presidency make you feel?
"Like we are losing our high standards of national and personal ethical conduct and rewarding self-serving, unscrupulous, spurious activities. Narcissistic egotism has replaced service before self."
Jack Houlgate, Shalimar, Fla.
Worried about further division
Some say they fear Trump is worsening America’s divides, not using his presidency to heal them. Several say his response to the protests in Charlottesville, Va., opened the door to bigotry. On the questions of what they’d hoped Trump would do for America, and whether they are satisfied:
What do you want Donald Trump to do for America?
Are you satisfied with what President Trump is doing for America?
2016: What do you want Donald Trump to do for America?
"I want Donald Trump to run our country with empathy, compassion and patience."
2017: Are you satisfied with what President Trump is doing for America?
"I am completely unsatisfied with what President Trump is doing for American because he hates people, causes division, attacks leaders, widows and anyone else he can embarrass with his one of kind lunacy."
Jerome Cleary, West Hollywood, Calif.
2016: What do you want Donald Trump to do for America?
"It's impossible to imagine what someone who has never done anything for anyone but himself could possibly do … for America."
2017: Are you satisfied with what President Trump is doing for America?
"No, I am not satisfied. He is a liar, he is not a deal-maker, he is petty and he is not intelligent. The biggest wrong Trump is perpetrating on America is the division he is causing in an already divided nation."
Peter Maleitzke, San Francisco
2016: What do you want Donald Trump to do for America?
2017: Are you satisfied with what President Trump is doing for America?
"Trump has made us and continues to make us a mockery. He has brought divisions between those who used to be friends."
Jeffrey Aaron, Alexandria, Va.
2016: What do you want Donald Trump to do for America?
"I would say resign except Mike Pence is also completely unacceptable. As a woman who retired from a professional career, both of these men represent a return to a time long before I attended law school and entered the workforce 40 years ago."
2017: Are you satisfied with what President Trump is doing for America?
"Absolutely not. He is dividing us further and destroying the country, Constitution, our values and our humanity."
Barbara Arnold, Los Angeles
Still (sort of) with Clinton
Not all voted for Clinton with enthusiasm. Several maintain strong loyalty to Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and dissatisfaction with the choices they had. However, when asked whether they’d vote the same way today, not a single person said they would change and vote for Trump.
Whom did you vote for?
Would you still make the same decision today?
2016: Whom did you vote for?
"Hillary Clinton, the only candidate who represented my vision of what makes our country strong."
2017: Would you still make the same decision today?
"More so than ever, I would make the same decision again."
Ramon Munoz, Irvine, Calif.
2016: Whom did you vote for?
"I voted for Clinton but supported Sanders throughout. I voted for Clinton as a late act of respect to her years and her service and her toughness ... I never loved her. But I really do respect her a lot."
2017: Would you still make the same decision today?
"Yes, I have only grown more certain I made the right decision, and was one of the few Americans who didn't fall for the Russian and right-wing propaganda and lies."
Mathew Clark, Campbell, Calif.
2016: Whom did you vote for?
"Hillary Clinton because she is the better choice and can be trusted."
2017: Would you still make the same decision today?
"Yes because at least we would not be in the position we are in now as we stare into the abyss and wonder if we will all be here four years from now."
Terri Templeman, Nashville, Tenn.
2016: Whom did you vote for?
"Clinton. For experience, negotiating skills, presidential presence, political compassion, inclusive broad view of the population, views on climate/energy, tax policies."
2017: Would you still make the same decision today?
"Of the two primary candidates, yes. Though it was and is a rejection of Trump's platform and behavior more than a positive endorsement."
Michael MacDonald, Benicia, Calif.
Protective of Barack Obama's legacy
These voters are apprehensive about what might happen to President Obama's legacy, especially on the environment and the Affordable Care Act. On what they wanted Trump to do right after the election, and whether they are satisfied now:
What do you want Donald Trump to do for America?
Are you satisfied with what President Trump is doing for America?
2016: What do you want Donald Trump to do for America?
"(1) Fire Comey. (2) resign"
2017: Are you satisfied with what President Trump is doing for America?
"He is intent on undoing everything that Obama did and things that no one could have even imagined.... There are scores of things he's done that will enrich the one person he does care about, and that person is Donald Trump."
Cindy Bloom, Shadow Hills, Calif.
2016: What do you want Donald Trump to do for America?
"I have no idea what he can do that will positively affect our nation."
2017: Are you satisfied with what President Trump is doing for America?
"No. The country has never been more divided. From the top down, Trump instills hatred, racism, fear, mistrust. He lies. He is a complete narcissist. His only motivation is to undo anything that President Obama accomplished."
Karen Villalpando, Los Angeles
2016: What do you want Donald Trump to do for America?
"Well, what I am hoping is that those relatively recent videos of him stating democratic ideals are still his ultimate truth. So in that case I want him to keep the progress we've made, and not overturn it."
2017: Are you satisfied with what President Trump is doing for America?
"I'm honestly not sure what he's even doing for America, except tearing down everything that Obama and his administration built. Instead of building off the positive accomplishments of that administration he has chosen to demonize and destroy what was helping a huge majority of Americans. So no, I am not satisfied with what Trump is doing for America. In fact, I am personally offended."
Madeleine Pasqualini, Los Angeles
2016: What do you want Donald Trump to do for America?
"I want his positions to swing to the center and his leadership to reflect the closeness of the popular vote in state after state."
"He has no respect for the Constitution, and his presidency is completely motivated by vicious hate for Barack Obama. His purpose is not only to reverse all Obama's policies but to take them to the opposite extremes. He is destroying any humane legislation or law, and any environmental protections that we have."
Margery F. Lynch, Boulder, Colo.