
Iggy Azalea and Nick Young: Music, lies and videotape

Nick Young is reportedly trying to make things right with fiancee Iggy Azalea.

Nick Young is reportedly trying to make things right with fiancee Iggy Azalea.

(Christopher Polk / Getty Images)

Iggy Azalea and L.A. Laker Nick Young: Will they or won’t they? Stay together, that is.

The couple’s wedding plans had already been delayed — she cited work commitments — before video shot by younger Laker teammate D’Angelo Russell went public, then went viral, revealing Young talking about meeting up with a 19-year-old woman after clubbing last summer.

Now the two are “not on good terms,” TMZ reported Wednesday, citing sources “close to Nick.” The outlet describes Young as “crushed” and says he’s very much in love with Azalea and trying to fix things with her. E! Online said the duo were doing their best to survive this “rough patch.”

The 25-year-old Aussie singer should be celebrating her latest hit single “Team,” which broke Billboard’s Top 10 Rap songs chart, but instead seems to be nursing a broken heart. Iggy looked somber while horseback riding on a Calabasas equestrian trail Wednesday. She hasn’t said anything scandal-related on Twitter since commenting around 1 a.m. Wednesday, “hmmm i see D Angelo Russell is trending... I actually liked his film. Thanks bro.”


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Nick and Iggy got engaged at his 30th birthday party, which was, um, over the summer — about the same time the video was allegedly taped. And in a recent interview with Billboard, the NBA basketball player, with a laugh, said that wedding planning was “a nightmare on its own.” “I think we should go to the courthouse. It’s tough, it takes a lot of time and compromising and arguing but eventually the women always win,” he said.

Azalea said a couple of weeks ago that because she’s going to be touring, their wedding wouldn’t be held at the end of this year as planned but would push to the end of basketball season in 2017.

And now, in a completely bizarre twist, a guy from Fameolous, the website that tweeted the hard-to-hear video on March 24, said Wednesday on ESPN radio out of Houston that maybe-sorta-kinda Iggy’s mouth is the reason the damaging footage came their way.


“Iggy took a couple of shots at Nicki Minaj on Bravo TV ... ,” he explained on the radio. “Somebody from Nicki Minaj’s camp, a source, got the video and they sent it in. And they said here put this out because Iggy want to talk mess about Nicki Minaj, put this out and let her know what her fiance is doing. ... It had nothing to do with the basketball players.”

So how did the video go public? According to the folks at Fameolous, a lady friend of D’Angelo’s took the video from his cellphone and posted it on her Snapchat. The video was subsequently taken from her Snapchat account. Then, somehow, it made its way into the hands of someone in Nicki Minaj’s camp, according to Fameolous.

Nicki and Iggy are not friends: Nicki took at shot at Iggy at the BET Awards in June, implying that the “Fancy” rapper doesn’t write her own material. Iggy defended herself March 23 on Andy Cohen’s Bravo show “Watch What Happens Live.”


“I have just as many people in my writing credits as she has on hers, so I don’t think there’s — I know I write mine, if she writes hers, I believe her too, but you can’t look at credits and be like, ‘Oh, look at this massive difference.’ It’s the same number of people on both,” Iggy told him during the show’s “Plead the Fifth” segment.

Iggy said she’d read about the BET diss on Twitter. “I didn’t really think anything. Unless you say my name ... I don’t have time to speculate, so, yeah, otherwise I don’t really care,” she said. “Let me know when someone says my name.”

Meanwhile, back at Fameolous on Thursday, they were emphasizing on social media that the source of the video leak was not Nicki herself and saying they have no plans to reveal their source. When the video was tweeted out, Minaj was wrapping up after performing in South Africa, then heading for Dubai.

“They could offer me 1mill &I still wldnt give up my source. We solid over here. I owe my source loyalty even if I have 2 take the fall,” the outlet said on Twitter. “Just to be clear, @NICKIMINAJ did not leak any video to Fameolous. We clearly said a ‘Source’ then ‘CAMP’. Fixed Those titles. Later!”

As for D’Angelo, the Laker apologized for videotaping his teammate.

“I feel as sick as possible. I wish I could make things better right away, but I can’t,” the 20-year-old told reporters Wednesday, explaining that he didn’t know how the video leaked. “This just got in the wrong hands. It wasn’t a prank, it wasn’t something for everybody else to see, it was for my eyes, his eyes only.”

For what it’s worth, the teammates reportedly met in person Wednesday, D’Angelo apologized, and Nick accepted.


But still — awkward.

Follow Christie D’Zurilla on Twitter @theCDZ. Follow the Ministry of Gossip @LATcelebs.


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