
Opinion: Long live printed newspapers. Digital won’t work for these readers

Stacks of newspapers sit ready for distribution at The Times' printing facility south of downtown Los Angeles in 2019.
Stacks of newspapers sit ready for distribution at The Times’ printing facility south of downtown Los Angeles in 2019.
(Al Seib / Los Angeles Times)

More than a few journalists noticed pop star Katy Perry’s tweet last week saying one of her “favorite sounds ever is the sound of a crisp new newspaper being read over breakfast for an hour or so.” Judging by readers’ approving reaction to a short letter on Monday imploring The Times to keep printing newspapers long into the future, Perry is far from alone.

The letter was reacting to news that The Times would leave its longtime printing plant south of downtown Los Angeles in 2024. The writer found this news concerning: “It was unclear in the article about the print plant shutting down as to whether you still will deliver a print version.... Please keep the print paper coming. I would rather pay more than lose what has become an important part of my morning. Digital will not suffice for me.”

When this letter was published, I thought it would be quick, one-off reaction. I was wrong — and I must admit, pleasantly so. Since Monday, many more readers have written to us expressing their appreciation for the print newspaper.



To the editor: Hooray for reader Susan Polifronio’s letter in the Nov. 7 paper. She expressed my sentiments exactly.

I too was unclear about whether or not The Times will continue a print version after 2024. I’m no Luddite, but print journalism is a dear commodity, an important daily routine in our home as well.

From a journalism major and someone with a master’s in library science, thank you for maintaining a significant tradition.


Ellen Mark, Santa Monica


To the editor: The Los Angeles Times has been delivered to my home since the late 1970s. Whenever I moved, the paper came with me.

I wholeheartedly agree with the letter writer who asked that the L.A. Times keep providing a print version of the paper. I abhor the digital version. The feel of the paper, turning the pages, focusing on each headline, brings such comfort.

I too would be willing to pay more for the print version, which I think I do anyway. Please keep in mind that there are people who love the print version and would be heartsick if it was discontinued.


Regina Barnes, Ventura


To the editor: I too can be found every morning reading The Times while I eat my breakfast.

It’s not just because I’m set in my ways, but I feel that the printed version of a newspaper is much more interesting, enticing and educational. The loss of the paper every morning would leave a huge deficit in my day.

And while I’m at it, please let me thank you for the daily delivery of your paper throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. For me you missed only one day, which is remarkable during a pandemic.

Linda Cooper, Studio City


To the editor: One of the great pleasures of my morning is to sit with my cup of tea and read The Times from cover to cover.

Reading the news digitally takes away the contentment I feel holding the paper in my hand. I like the feel of the paper. I like turning the pages from article to article. Reading the news digitally feels like work, not pleasure.

I am not sure if closing the print plant will affect the delivery of papers, but I for one vote to keep the print paper for subscribers. I’d be happy to pay more if that’s what it would take to keep receiving my paper every morning.

Thanks, if you can do it.

Eileen Barish, Santa Barbara


To the editor: Here is one more vote for print journalism. I am in complete agreement with the letter writer who voted first.


When I moved back to L.A. about four years ago, I made it a point to get a subscription to the print edition of The Times in order to offer support to print journalism.

Joel Weiner, Tarzana


To the editor: I read the paper every day. I also get the Orange County Register, as there are often other opinions in that paper.

I will take the paper outside on nice days, or read it my living room. I don’t want to have to sit at my computer or take my laptop out.

I still get my paper delivered to my house. I may be the only one on my street who does.

Please keep the print paper coming. I would pay more for it, as I look forward to getting the paper daily.

Sylvia Ludlow, Huntington Beach


To the editor: As a longtime subscriber, I agree with the Nov. 7 letter. I too read my entire L.A. Times.

I am a caged animal if the paper does not appear or is wet on my driveway. The morning I wrote this letter, the paper was wet due to my slope and it had landed with the open end upward. Water drained in. When it rains, you should always double wrap both ends.


No digital for me either!

Ann Cressman, Laguna Niguel
